The Wealthy Buddhist: Buddhist Ethics, Right Livelihood, and the Value of Money
The Wealthy Buddhist discusses the relationship between business, wealth creation, and morality from a Buddhist perspective: namely, how financial success is more likely to result from a livelihood that seeks to increase happiness and reduce suffering.
For Buddhist teachers and scholars alike, The Wealthy Buddhist presents a comprehensive view of Right Livelihood in the modern world, most accurately reflecting the contemporary, North American experience of living and working.
For participants in the financial services industry, The Wealthy Buddhist provides constructive criticism and direction on how to become more worthy of the trust they seek, and how to increase the value they can provide.
For Millennials, entrepreneurs, and those simply seeking a new path, The Wealthy Buddhist provides practical strategies on how to accomplish their goals without compromising their values.
Finally, for those curious about modern Buddhism, the Bu-curious, The Wealthy Buddhist provides an introduction to the basic principles and spirit of this timeless philosophy. Burylo challenges readers to embrace change, impermanence, and the disruptive forces of technology, as necessary catalysts for the opportunity to bring value to others, and achieve financial success in the process.
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Knowledge Bureau
In light of the new tax rules that penalize passive investments within CCPCs, advisors must understand how pension legislation can become a powerful tool to deal with wealth succession, business succession, and tax optimization within a corporate environment.
Knowledge Bureau
This course covers a strategic and tax efficient investment income planning process which places capital accumulations in the right hands of individuals in the family.
Knowledge Bureau
This course marries tax and financial planning competencies in order to help clients adequately fund tax-efficient income requirements by accumulating, growing, preserving and transitioning wealth through three phases of retirement—pre-retirement, in-retirement and post-retirement.
This course allows advisors to develop a consistent process for multi-generational planning that looks at tax efficiency of both income and capital left for spouses and heirs, using cutting edge tools to predict how sustainable savings will be and what can be done through income averaging, income splitting and tax deferral.
Knowledge Bureau
This course will help advisors become valuable resources to their clients in the succession planning process. Key concepts include understanding the importance of succession planning for the business and key positions within the business. It focuses on roles and financial issues, from both the perspectives of a business leader and successor. It also addresses the impact of succession on employees and the business as a whole, and succession of the business to third parties.
Knowledge Bureau
This course reviews the measurement and calculation of risk and return from the perspective of clients who are now living longer lives. Largely due to advances in preventing heart disease, more awareness, and healthy lifestyles, Canadians who reach age 65 are more likely than ever to live into their 90s. As a result, retirement income planning is a much longer process in which a focus on continued accumulation and investing is as important as the tax-efficient withdrawal of funds. Capital must be preserved at the same time.
Knowledge Bureau
This course provides a detailed primer in the subject area featuring common true to life scenarios because every financial advisor who discusses tax, financial or investment plans with clients should have a basic understanding of the taxation of trusts in order to discuss estate planning options with clients.
Smith Consulting
This course will give you a solid understanding of The Smith Manoeuvre tax-deductible mortgage strategy and how it can help your clients not only generate personal wealth from their mortgage but can also significantly augment the growth of your client’s Personal Pension Plan and corporation.